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True Autopotence, Beyond existence, True selfpotence, silent, subliminal, combo

by Purva Nimfa Subliminal Magic



True Autopotence, Beyond existence, True selfpotence, silent, subliminal, combo

True Autopotence
-The power to be completely true omnipotent over oneself. Not to be with its lesser version autopotence.


True Omnipotence
True Omnipresence
True Omniscience


The user is completely beyond all-powerful over themselves, including their existence. They make their own existence defiant over all laws and logic, Also rewriting themselves on omni/Absolutely all levels, Including their structure, origin, and conclusion and many more. With absolute control over themselves, they can do essentially anything as long as it stems from their own existence, like granting oneself all powers/abilities, becoming one with everything, attaining true perfection, etc.

Silent subliminal's are audio recordings with affirmations, which are hardly heard and not understood by the conscious mind, They are send directly to the subconscious mind, which changes the inner programming and therefore you and your life.

listen on 30-40% of volume,with headphones-10-20%

It's okay to listen to subliminal's without headphones or earbuds as long as those subliminal's do not contain any frequencies.
i don't use frequencies
you can manifest results in a few days, or several months, it really depends on the person using them. As a general rule, however, it will take 26 to 30 days to make permanent lasting changes to your subconscious
superpowers can take longer than 6 month
How long should I listen to subliminal messages? At least 21 days in a row, during the day and night. If you do not notice any clear change, practice active and passive listening for 90 days. Then, listen when necessary or when you feel the need.
Can you listen to more than one subliminal at once?
Yes you can, but it is really just personal preference. Some people prefer to listen to one album at a time, others often have multiple albums playing at the same time. This can really help expose you to a lot of positive subliminal messages, but it is not right for everybody.
Do subliminal messages work you're sleeping? A test carried out on psychological studies show that a subliminal message has the potential to influence you regardless of your waking state because of its ability to go through the conscious mind and they do indeed work while you're sleeping.
How long does it take for Subliminals to be permanent?
Most subliminals have affirmations that make them permanent, but the length of time it takes to get results varies between people. It could easily take 5 months

Purva Nimfa Subliminal Magic


released February 23, 2024
Purva Nimfa Subliminal Magic

Bild von Stephane VERNEY auf Pixabay


all rights reserved


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